
Lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 cd key
Lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 cd key

lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 cd key lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 cd key

The addition of these three new races raises the faction count to six and manages to balance out very well. Because the war in the north takes place simultaneously to the war in the south between the Men of the West, Mordor, and Isengard, most of the focus in the campaign is on the three new factions: the dwarves, elves, and goblins. Whoever put them together has a good eye for the visually dramatic and they certainly help get you excited for what's to come and feel victorious at the end. While they're relatively unimportant to gameplay, they sure can be fun to watch. All of these cutscenes are a mix of art and in-game graphics with more interesting camera views. Preceding and following each mission is a short cutscene describing the happenings in the war, why the mission is where it is, and what the strategic value is. I know I've said it before, but it's just too much fun to run into The Shire with the goblins to not mention it again. The good missions really push the feeling of being cornered while the evil missions are all about attacking with superior numbers and disdain for the realms of the freemen. By the end of the game there's a truckload of powers, units, and heroes at hand.

lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 cd key

Many of them provide very cool settings to play in like Rivendell, Celduin, Erebor, and The Shire and most are constructed to fit the fiction and progress the action and technology. In fact, almost all of the sixteen total campaign missions (eight each for good and evil) are well constructed and fun.

Lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 cd key